Frequently asked questions.

Will I be able to see the industrial gas plant?

Given the scale and height of the digesters, we believe it will be seen for many miles. The proposed location is on higher ground and therefore it will certainly be visible from the villages, paths and roads in the east, north and south because there is limited vegetation that would screen it.

Views from the west will be partially screened by the existing woodland but it is likely to remain visible, particularly in winter months.

HGV traffic passing along country lanes and farm tracks will be constantly visible which will be made worse in winter when lights are used after dark.

This map is taken from the planning application. The dark brown/orange colour shows how far you will be able to see all of the 19m structures with dark green showing where you will be able to see part of the structures - they go off the page to the east of South and North Witham - so it is not possible to be confident of the extent of visibility.

(Map reference - Page 25 Landscape and Visual Assessment  - copyright Broome Lynne Planning Landscape Planning Design)