Frequently asked questions.

Will the footpaths and bridleways be blocked?

Public footpaths and bridleways will still be accessible. However, at present, it is not clear how these will be affected. What we do know is that:

  1.  Maize, which will be grown for the industrial gas plant grows to over 10 feet high. Where footpaths run through maize fields as they do in the local area, all that walkers will be able to see, particularly during the summer, is the path in front of them; maize to their left and right - views to the countryside will be blocked. Other crops such as miscanthus (a type of grass) also used in biomass plants grow to a similar height.

  2. Ironstone have confirmed that farm tracks in surrounding fields, which are close to, or cross, some public paths and bridleways, will routinely be used by HGVs delivering to and collecting from the site. These tracks will not be regulated in the way that the road network is.

  3. The frequent use of large vehicles on unregulated tracks will present safety risks to those using the routes such as families, dog walkers, horse riders and those who take part in country sports.